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Alternator - Technical examination video clip by a remanufacture company in the states
Please Input Youtube url : | http://youtu.be/FTGz0PKIl84 |
This informational clip is made by an electronic automotive remanufacture company in USA where the remanufacture industry is well developed.
There are many cases which a product itself, an alternator in this case, is determined as a defective and the product is returned.
In fact, most of such cases turn out to be a false condemnation, meaning the product is well made but the technician somehow defines it as a defective one due to many reasons
such as inappropriate operational control or insufficient knowledge about the product.
It is very important to understand the fundamental principal and logical strategy of a product, and also to inform such information to the technicians who deals with the product directly
on the ground so that companies like us can reduce the unreasonable return rate and prevent labour and time abuse.
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Alternator - Technical examination video clip by a remanufacture company in the states
Date2017.02.03 Bytaeil agent Views8727 -
Date2017.02.01 ByAdmin. Views7223
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